How To Write A D365 Display Method - TechNext 365

D365 display method x++


The data that is to be shown on form is a calculated value and is not directly saved in database. It is displayed after the running of a certain code chunk.


I will show you how you can use display method to show a calculated value on a form control step by step with an example. Let's begin.


Customer Service Form D365 FO
Customer Service Form D365 FO

Consider the example of customer service form, the control of "Allow on Account" is a displayed field of value YESNO. its value is not stored in database but it only displays value according to the sales order searched.

Step 1:

Define the display method. It can be defined as table methods, form methods, form data source methods, report methods and report design methods. In my case I am defining it as table method on custtable, it checks the value of  "Allow on Account" on MCRCusttable and displays the respected value on customer service form.

 public display NOYesId AllowOnAccount()


          MCRCustTable     mcrcusttable;

          select AllowOnAccount from mcrcusttable

          where mcrcusttable.CustTable == this.RecId;

          return mcrcusttable.AllowOnAccount;


Step 2:

Add the defined display method on form control as data method shown below:

First add the control on form.

Form Control on Customer Service Form

Step 3:

After adding control, set the properties of the control and set data method name.

Data Method Properties

Step 4:

After building the code check it on front end by searching a sales order on customer service form.

Display YesNO value

If you have any queries, comment below. Happy Daxing✌


  1. what if we have to create a display method of extended objects?


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